#0591 Sutter's Landing
#0591 Sutter's Landing
Site information:
NE corner of 28th and C Sts, in Stanford Park, SacramentoPlaque description would put the landing site on the other side of the park in the photo. The American River is now about half a mile from this spot. Nothing historic remains of this site, as far as I know.
Plaque information:
State PlaquePlaque text:
Captain John A. Sutter LandingCaptain John A. Sutter, after coming up the Sacramento River from Yerba Buena in August 1839, landed approximately two hundred feet north of here, at what was then the south bank of the American River. A short time thereafter he moved to the site where he established a permanent camp, and later built his fort. Sutter and his men where the first settlers within the present city limits of Sacramento.
Plaque placed by the California State Park Commission in cooperation with the Native Sons and Native Daughters of the Golden West and the Sacramento Historic Landmarks Commission, August 24, 1958.
Registered 5/22/1957