#0603 Lady Adams Building
#0603 Lady Adams Building
Plaque information:
Private plaquePlaque text:
The Lady Adams BuildingBuilt in 1852 by the Lady Adams Mercantile Co.; named after the brig which brought the partners around the horn. She has survived fires, flood, and being lifted one story. She has served merchants, bankers, and as a “rooming house”. And has been flat busted more than once. The only survivor of the fire of 1852. She was named California Historical Landmark No. 603 on May 22, 1957 before we got around to it.
E Clampus Vitus, New Helvetia No. 5, Aug. 7, 1976
OHP description:
This store and office building was erected in 1852 from materials brought around the Horn in the ship Lady Adams.Registered 5/22/1957