#0106 Larkin House


#0106 Larkin House

Site information:

SW Corner of Calle Pincipal and Jefferson St, Monterey


Site is freely accessible, plaque is located behind gate, open during operating hours.

Plaque information:

Private plaque

36.598001, -121.896227

Plaque text:

Built in 1835 by Thomas Oliver Larkin. Only U.S. consul to California under Mexican rule. American consulate from 1844-1846.

OHP description:

The adobe-and-wood Larkin House was built in 1835 by Thomas Oliver Larkin, a Yankee merchant who came to California in April 1832. Since Larkin was the only U.S. consul to California under Mexican rule, his home became the American consulate from 1844 to 1846, and it was also used as military headquarters by Kearny, Mason, and Sherman.

Registered 3/29/1933

