#1062 Donaldson Futuro


#1062 Donaldson Futuro

Site information:

52895 Big Rock Rd, Idyllwild

33.754925, -116.738287

Plaque information:

State plaque located at site.

Plaque Text:

The Donaldson Futuro is significant as an example of America's collective confidence as a leader in space flight, technological advancement, and economic prosperity.  Designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen, the space-age home was the first futuro to arrive in California, in 1969, and the only futuro in California to obtain a building permit for residential occupancy.  Its modern futuristic space-age design, materials, and workmanship retain a high level of integrity from its period of significance.  The property is identified as the Donaldson Futuro in recognition of the owners Wayne and Laurie Donaldson's extensive restoration effort that successfully preserved this fragile resource and raised the profile of early mid-century plastic buildings.

Plaque placed by the state Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with architect Milford Wayne Donaldson FAIA; the Idyllwild Area Historical Society; and the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus, John P. Squibob chapter and the Billy Holcolm chapter, April 16, 2022.

