#0077 Old Town of Shasta


#0077 Old Town of Shasta

Site information:

Shasta State Historic Park, State Hwy 299, SW corner of Shurtleff Alley, Shasta

The town is part of the Shasta State Historic Park, which is not restricted.

40.599015, -122.492279

Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:


Founded 1849 as Reading's Springs. Named Shasta June 8, 1850. Second county seat Shasta County 1851-1888. Metropolis Northern California during 1850's. End road and beginning Oregon Pack Trail until 1861. Present home Western Star Lodge No. 2. F. & A.M., whose charter brought across plains Peter Lassen Party 1848. Shurtleff House built 1851. Business section destroyed, fire 1853. Shasta Courier founded 1852.

Tablet furnished by California Centennials Commission. Base provided by Shasta County Centennial Committee.  Dedicated June 12, 1950

OHP description:

Founded in 1849 as Reading's Springs, the town was named Shasta June 8, 1850. It was the second county seat for Shasta County, 1851-1888, and the metropolis of northern California during the 1850s. Here, until 1861, the road ended and the Oregon pack trail began. It is the home of the Western Star Lodge No. 2, F. & A.M., whose charter was brought across the plains in the Peter Lassen party of 1848. In 1851, Dr. Benjamin Shurtleff, pioneer physician and Shasta's first and only alcalde, built his home. The Shasta Courier was founded in 1851. The entire business section of Shasta was destroyed by fire in 1853.

Registered 12/6/1932

