#0232 Mission San Antonio de Padua


#0232 Mission San Antonio de Padua

Site information:

Take Jolon Rd from Hwy 101, go west on Mission Rd in Jolon to Fort Hunter-Ligget. Site on Mission Rd.

Access restricted to operating hours of Fort Hunter-Ligget and whatever military restrictions they have.


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque located on the west side of Jolon Road, just south of Hwy 101 in King City (note: Jolon Rd intersects with the 101 in 2 places, miles apart.)


A second state plaque is located at Camp Roberts Northbound Rest area.  I haven't visited this plaque yet.

35.831129, -120.758111

Plaque text:

Mission San Antonio de Padua

Founded by Father Junipero Serra July 14, 1771. Most picturesque setting. First mass was celebrated in presence of one Indian, later congregation grew to a thousand neophytes. Famous for its fine horses and expert vaqueros.

Department of Public Works - Division of Highways

OHP description:

Mission San Antonio de Padua, established on July 14, 1771, was the third in a series of missions founded in Alta California by Father Junípero Serra. Its picturesque setting in the valley of the San Antonio River within the Santa Lucia Range makes it one of today's most outstanding examples of early mission life.

Registered 6/10/1936


