#0992 Site of Contractor's General Hospital


#0992 Site of Contractor's General Hospital

Site information:

The original plaque was located in Desert Center.  I believe the rock which the plaque was mounted on is still there:  33.713546, -115.402620

That first plaque has gone missing.  The old plaque said the site was 6 miles W of the plaque location.  The new plaque says the site is 13 miles E of the plaque location.  That would put the original site somewhere in the desert around here:  33.690111, -115.506789

There is nothing there, as far as I know.

Plaque information:

State plaque, located at Chiriaco Summit


Plaque text:

Site of Contractors General Hospital

In 1933, Dr. Sidney R. Garfield opened Contractor's General Hospital thirteen miles east of here. His modest facility successfully delivered health care to Colorado River Aqueduct workers through an innovative prepaid insurance plan. Later, in association with industrialist Henry J. Kaiser, Dr. Garfield applied the lessons he first learned at the hospital to create their enduring legacy: Kaiser Permanente, the nation's largest nonprofit prepaid health care program.

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in 1992 and rededicated here in 2014.

Registered 8/17/1990

