#0322 Sutter Creek


#0322 Sutter Creek

Site information:

18 Main St, Sutter Creek


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

In memory of General John A. Sutter. Benefactor of the great state of California, who mined here and gave Sutter Creek its name and under whose regime gold was discovered. Also to those pioneer mothers, fathers, and miners of the Mother Lode, which has produced millions in gold. This rock used in Mother Lode champion hand drilling contests.

Tablet placed and dedicated by the Native Sons and Native Daughters of the Golden West of Sutter Creek. May 10, 1942.

OHP description:

This town was named after John A. Sutter, who came to the region in 1846, and was the first to mine the locality in 1848. There was little activity at Sutter Creek until 1851, when quartz gold was discovered. In 1932 the Central Eureka mine, discovered in 1869, had reached the 2,300-foot level. By 1939, it was the best-paying mine at Sutter Creek.

Registered 7/12/1939

