#0042 San Bernardino Asistencia


#0042 San Bernardino Asistencia

Site information:

26930 Barton Rd, E of Nevada St, Redlands


Plaque information:

State plaque has been reported missing

Plaque text:

San Bernardino Asistencia

This branch of San Gabriel Mission was constructed about 1830 on the San Bernardino Rancho. During the 1840's its buildings were used by José del Carmen Lugo as part of his rancho grant. Later, after its sale to the Mormons, it was occupied by Bishop Tenney in the 1850's and by Dr. Benjamin Barton in the 1860's. Its restoration was completed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration, assisted by the San Bernardino County Historical Society.

Plaque placed by the California State Park Commission in cooperation with the San Bernardino County Museum Association, April 24, 1960.

Registered 8/1/1932
