#0620 Yucaipa Rancheria
#0620 Yucaipa Rancheria
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Yucaipa RancheriaYucaipa Valley supported a large population of Serrano Indians. The fertile valley was watered by springs and creeks. The Indians called this area 'Yucaipat' which meant 'wet lands.' These Native Americans lived at this village site most of the year, with occasional excursions to the mountains to gather acorns and other food items during the harvesting season.
Originally registered September 11, 1957. Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with San Bernardino County Museum, Yucaipa Lions Club, Yucaipa Valley Historical Society and Billy Holcomb Chapter of E Clampus Vitus, July 24, 1987.
Registered 9/11/1957