#0586 Cresta Blanca Winery
#0586 Cresta Blanca Winery
Site information:
5050 Arroyo Rd, S of LivermorePlaque and site are on private grounds and accessible only during operating hours.
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Cresta Blanca WineryHere, Charles A. Wetmore planted his vineyard in 1882. The Cresta Blanca wine he made from its fruit won for California the first International Award, the highest honor at the 1889 Paris Exposition, first bringing assurance to California wine growers that they could grow wines comparable to the finest in the world.
Plaque place by California State Park Commission in cooperation with Livermore Chamber of Commerce, June 15, 1957. Rededicated by the Wente Bros. Sparkling Wine Cellars, August 24, 1985.
Registered 5/22/1957