#0071 Casa de Machado
#0071 Casa de Machado
Site information:
2734 Calhoun St, Old Town, San Diego (this is the address given by OHP - I believe the correct location is San Diego Ave, near Telegraph Way)32.754633,-117.197954
There are four Casas with the name "Machado" attached to them in Old Town. One is the Casa de Machado y Stewart, which is landmark #73. It is somewhat unclear which of the other three Machado casas this landmark (#71) is intended for. However, all the information I have found indicates the Machado y Silvas home is the correct adobe, including the fact that the park sign indicates it was dedicated as a CHL in 1932.
The address given by the OHP above is for a Juan Machado house (not Jose Manuel), and does not seem to be the correct one. I took photos of all of them.
Photos 1-2 are of the Machado y Silvas casa, photos 3-4 are of the Machado y Worthington casa, and 5-7 are of the Casa de Machado site, which is now a restaurant. All sites are located on Old Town Plaza.
Plaque information:
No plaque, but there are informational signs.Sign text:
1843 Small adobe built by Machado family for daughter Maria Antonia and husband Jose Antonio Nacasio Silvas.1854 Home enlarged and adapted for use as Commercial Restaurant; later renamed Antonia Restaurant.
1932 Listed as California Historical Landmark.
1942 Opened as Machado Memorial Chapel.
1975 Rehabilitated by California State Parks as house museum.
OHP description:
This adobe house, constructed about 1832 by Jose Manuel Machado, pioneer leatherjacket soldier of the Spanish Army who arrived at San Diego Presidio about 1782, is now used as a community church.Registered 12/6/1932