#0673 San Gregorio
#0673 San Gregorio
Site information:
Borrego Sink area, 3 mi SE of Palm Canyon and Peg Leg Rds, Anza -Borrego Desert State ParkWe found this, but I really don't know how, especially since we did it without GPS. Roads are not marked, and are mostly trails. In the middle of nowhere. Beware of sandy portions of the road. GPS on map should be right.
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
San GregorioSomewhere in this narrow valley, perhaps on this very spot, the Anza Expeditions of 1774 and 1775 made their camps. Water for the 240 people and over 800 head of stock on the 1775 march was obtained from a series of wells, deeper than the height of a man, dug into the sandy bottom of the wash.
Plaque placed by the California State Park Commission in cooperation with the Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce, April 18, 1959.
Registered 2/16/1959