#0940 Rancho Guajome


#0940 Rancho Guajome

Site information:

Rancho Guajome Regional Park, 2210 N Santa Fe Ave, Vista

Visiting the adobe is subject to operating hours, and the site may be gated.


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:

Rancho Guajome

Formerly attached to Mission San Luis Rey, the 2,219-acre ranch passed through brief ownership by two mission Indians, then Don Abel Stearns, and into possession of Ysidora Bandini upon marriage to Col. Cave Johnson Couts. The adobe ranch house, built in 1852-53, is one of the finest extant examples of the traditional Spanish-Mexican one-story hacienda with an inner-outer courtyard plan. It was acquired by San Diego County in 1973 for the Guajome Regional Park.

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation and Squibob Chapter, E Clampus Vitus, April 26, 1981.

Registered 2/19/1981

