#0025 Ohlone-Portolá Heritage Trail, Montara Mountain


#0025 Ohlone-Portolá Heritage Trail, Montara Mountain

Site information:

On Martini Creek at foot of Montara Mtn, 1/2 mi E of State Hwy 1 (P.M. 37.2), 0.9 mi N of Montara

Map coordinates here are a best guess, as OHP description of location is lacking in specifics.  Nothing remains of the site, as far as I know.


Plaque information:

No plaque

OHP description:

The Portolá Expedition of 1769 camped October 30 on a stream at the foot of Montara Mountain, which now blocked their way. Needing food badly, here the explorers found a plentiful supply of mussels. They named the camp 'El Rincón de las Almejas.'

Registered 6/15/1932

The landmark was amended and renamed 8/14/2020


