#0476 Desert Spring


#0476 Desert Spring

Site information:

1/4 mi W of Pappas Rd in trees, 0.5 mi S of Valley Rd

Considering the location of the plaque, it seems the spring is at this spot, but it's not obvious.


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:

Desert Spring

This spring was on an old Indian horse thief trail and later (1834) Joe Walker Trail. The famished Manly-Jayhawk Death Valley parties (1849-50) were revived here after coming from Indian Wells through Last Chance Canyon. This was also a station on the Nadeau Borax Freight Road.

Marker placed by California Centennials Commission in cooperation with Kern County Historical Society and Kern County Museum. Dedicated December 2, 1950.

Registered 11/30/1950

