#0540 Sinks of the Tejon, Also Known as Alamo, Station of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route
#0540 Sinks of the Tejon, Also Known as Alamo, Station of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route
Site information:
SW corner of intersection of David and Wheeler Ridge Rds, 6.0 mi NE of MettlerSite was 6 miles east of this plaque location. Nothing remains of the site, as far as I know.
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Sinks of the TejonSix miles east of this point was the site of the Butterfield Stage Line station Sinks of Tejon. Operating through present Kern County during 1858-61, this famous line ran from St. Louis, Missouri to San Francisco until the outbreak of the Civil War.
Marker placed by California State Park Commission in cooperation with Kern County Historical Society El Tejon Parlor No. 239, Native Daughers of the Golden West, and Kern County Museum. Dedicated May 13, 1956.
Registered 9/14/1955