#0588 Kern River Slough Station
#0588 Kern River Slough Station
Site information:
Panama Rd, 3.1 mi W of LamontNothing remains of this site, as far as I know.
Plaque information:
Private plaquePlaque text:
Kern River SloughJust south of this point stood the Butterfield Overland Stage site known as Kern River Slough. Operating through present Kern County during 1858 - 1861. This famous line ran from St. Louis, Missouri to San Francisco until the outbreak of the Civil War.
Dedicated June 30, 1957 Marker placed by Kern County Historical Society El Tejon Parlor No. 239 N.D.G.W. Kern County Museum State Registered Historical Landmark No. 588 Re-dedicated Oct. 6, 1996
Registered 5/22/1957