#0225 Flores Peak
#0225 Flores Peak
Site information:
N side of Modjeska Canyon Rd, Modjeska CanyonThe peak itself is at this location:
33.713140, -117.621502
Plaque information:
No plaque, but there is an informational sign about the peak located here:Sign text:
The Legend of Flores PeakA Notorious Outlaw's Bold Escape
The peak before you is named for the outlaw Juan Flores. Flores led a gang of bandits that terrorized this area in the late 1850's. In January 1857, the gang murdered a shopkeeper in San Juan Capistrano. While in pursuit of the gang, LA County Sheriff James Barton and several of his deputies were ambushed and killed. A posse quickly formed and soon 100 riders chased the bandits to the top of this peak. Flores alone managed to escape, making a daring leap from the cliff on horseback. He was eventually captured and brought to Los Angeles, where he was hung on February 14, 1857.
James Barton was the first LA County Sheriff killed in the line of duty.
Flores Peak was designated as California Historical Landmark #225 on 6/20/1935
OHP description:
In 1857, Juan Flores and a band of outlaws murdered Sheriff James Barton and part of his posse at Barton Mound. Pursued by a posse led by General Andrés Pico, Flores and his men were finally caught on Flores Peak.Registered 6/20/1935