#0446 Groveland


#0446 Groveland

Site information:

On NE corner of Main (State Hwy 120) and Back Sts, Groveland


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:


Formerly called "First Garrote" because of the hanging of a Mexican for stealing a horse, Groveland was built in 1849 as shown by dated adobe brick taken from a partition, adobe buildings were still standing in 1949. Gold was discovered here in 1849, and thousands of dollars in placer gold were taken from mines on Garrote Creek, Big Creek, and other diggings. Deer Flat, Noisy Flat and The Rancheria well known nearby places in heyday.

Tablet placed by California Centennials Commission. Base provided by Big Oak Flat Highway 120 Association. Dedicated November 27, 1949.

Registered 11/2/1949

