#0152 Dominguez Ranchhouse
#0152 Dominguez Ranchhouse
Site information:
18127 S Alameda, ComptonSite and plaque located on private property. Generally accessible during open hours, but gated otherwise.
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Dominguez Ranch HouseCentral portion of the ranchhouse was built in 1826 by Manuel Domínguez.
Rancho San Pedro
Ten square leagues granted provisionally by Governor Fages to Juan José Domínguez in 1784. Regranted by Governor Solá to Cristobal Domínguez in 1822.
Battle of Domínguez Ranch
Fought on this rancho October 8 and 9, 1846, Californians led by José Antonio Carrillo repelled the United States forces under Captain William Mervine, U.S. Navy, in an attempt to recapture the Pueblo of Los Angeles.
Plaque placed April 25th, 1945 by Californiana Parlor No. 247, N.D.G.W. in cooperation with Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles. California State Park Commission.
Registered 1/11/1935