#0172 Pioneer Oil Refinery


#0172 Pioneer Oil Refinery

Site information:

23802 Pine St, Newhall

Site and private plaque located on what may be private property. Difficult to tell. A chain link fence prohibits close access.


Plaque information:

Private plaque at site. A state plaque is located a few miles away at Lang Blvd exit, E of I-5

Private plaque text:

California's first oil refinery operated on a commercial scale. Erected 1876. Restored by the Standard Oil Company of California in 1930 as a memorial to D.G. Scofield and his pioneer associates of the California Star Oil Works Company, a predecessor of the Standard Oil Company of California. In 1875-1876 Mr. Scofield and his associates obtained California's first commercial production of crude petroleum in Pico Canyon six miles northwest of this point and built this refinery for the manufacture of petroleum products.

State plaque text:

Pioneer Oil Refinery

1875, the Star Oil Company, one of the predecessors of the Standard Oil Company of California, drilled its first well inPico Canyon. 100 barrels per day. The discovery resulted the following year in the erection of the first commercial oil refinery in California.

Department of Public Works - Division of Highways

Registered 3/6/1935

