#0384 Timms' Point and Landing
#0384 Timms' Point and Landing
Site information:
Sampson Way, N of Signal Pl, San PedroNothing remains of this site, as far as I know.
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Timms' Point and LandingIn 1852 German immigrant Augustus W. Timms obtained Sepulveda's Landing on the mudflats near here. He built a wharf, added a warehouse, corral and other facilities to service shipping and running of stages to Los Angeles. Timms was a pioneer in the development of the harbor and for over fifty years this area was known as Timms Point.
First registered January 3, 1944. Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the San Pedro Bay Historical Society and the Port of Los Angeles. May 29, 1993
Registered 1/3/1944