#0567 St. Vincent's Place


#0567 St. Vincent's Place

Site information:

St. Vincent Court, in alley between Broadway and Hill, near 7th St, Los Angeles

There is still a St. Vincent Court, but nothing remains of the college, as far as I know.


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:

St. Vincent Court

This was the site of Saint Vincent's College from 1868 to 1887. The college, now Loyola University, was founded by the Vincentian Fathers in 1865 and was the first institution of higher learning in Southern California.

Plaque placed by California State Park Commission In cooperation with County of Los Angeles and Bullocks Inc.  September 4, 1957.  Rededicated by Los Angeles United Investment Co. 1984.

Registered 2/25/1957

