#0881 Site of "Port Los Angeles" Long Wharf
#0881 Site of "Port Los Angeles" Long Wharf
Site information:
Will Rogers State Beach lifeguard headquarters, 15100 W Pacific Coast Hwy 1, Pacific PalisadesNothing remains of the wharf, though there is a bit of railroad tracks at the plaque.
34.031379, -118.527199
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Port Los Angeles"The Long Wharf"
In 1893 the Southern Pacific Railroad Company completed its 4,720-foot wharf which served as a deep water port for the Los Angeles area. After San Pedro became Los Angeles' official harbor in 1897, shipping activity at Port Los Angeles declined. Ultimately abandoned and dismantled. No trace remained of what was once the longest wooden pier in the world.
Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Pacific Palisades Historical Society, July 18, 1976.
Registered 5/9/1975