#0972 Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center


#0972 Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center

Site information:

1700 Stadium Way, Los Angeles


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:

Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Center Los Angeles

Designed as the largest enclosed structure without columns in the world by noted California architects Robert Clements & Associates, this Art Deco building, constructed between 1938 and 1941 by the WPA, is the largest and second-oldest Navy Reserve Center in the United States. It has served as the induction, separation, and training center for more than 100,000 sailors since World War II, as well as the filming site for countless motion pictures and television shows.

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the United States Navy.  September 19, 1987

Registered 3/6/1987

