#0783 Jacoby Building


#0783 Jacoby Building

Site information:

Eighth and H (structure at SE corner), Arcata


Plaque information:

State Plaque has been removed because of insensitive language in the text. No idea if there are plans to replace it. Plaque was located at NE corner of Eighth and H.


Plaque text:

Jacoby Building

The basement and first story of the building, at 8th and H Streets (opposite), was constructed in 1857 for Augustus Jacoby. For many years it was a principal supply point for the Klamath-Trinity mining camp trade. From 1858 through 1864 it served periodically as a refuge in time of indian troubles. Housing various mercantile firms during its early years, it was acquired by A. Brizard in 1880.

Plaque placed by the State Park Commission in cooperation with the Humboldt County Historical Society, the City of Arcata and Brizard Company, June 8, 1963

Registered 1/24/1963

