#0740 Carnegie


#0740 Carnegie

Site information:

Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area, 5.9 mi W of I-580 on Corral Hollow Rd, 9 mi SW of Tracy

Nothing remains of the site, as far as I know.


Plaque information:

State plaque is on the far side of the ranger station. Access restricted to operating hours.

Plaque text:


A city of 3500 population, from 1895-1912, and the site of the Carnegie Brick and Pottery Company, served by the Alameda and San Joaquin Railroad. The plant had 45 kilns and 13 tall smokestacks, and the town had a post office, company store, hotels, saloons, bandstand, and hundreds of homes. Coal was used from the famous Tesla coal mine, 4 miles to the west.

Plaque placed by the California State Park Commission in cooperation with the Tracy District Chamber of Commerce, July 1, 1961.

Registered 7/5/1960

