#0180 Plaza Hotel
#0180 Plaza Hotel
Site information:
San Juan Bautista State Historic Park, 2nd and Mariposa Sts, San Juan Bautista36.844898,-121.535948
Plaque information:
State plaque shared with #180Plaque text:
Castro/Breen Adobe and Plaza HotelThe Castro/Breen adobe is associated with the early development and settlement of Mexican California. The adobe is an excellent example of blended eastern and western building methods first produced in Monterey to form the Monterey Colonial architectural style. The adobe served as headquarters and residence to Jose Antonio Castro, Commandant General of Alta California, and later to Donner Party survivors Patrick Breen and family.
The Plaza Hotel originated as a one-story adobe barracks and two-story guardhouse for soldiers protecting Mission San Juan Bautista across the street. After secularization in 1835, the building became a home and general store for the Anzar family. The building was rented and later sold to Italian immigrant Angelo Zanetta who added a wooden second story and opened the Plaza Hotel in January 1859. The hotel became noted for its fine cuisine and liquors. In the 1860s San Juan Bautista became a stop for seven stagecoach lines. The hotel welcomed travelers, business men, and traveling salesmen. When the New Idria quicksilver mine opened just to the southeast, even more patrons frequented the hotel.
Plaque placed by the Native Sons of the Golden West, the California State Parks Foundation, and California State Parks
Rededicated 2014, the 150th anniversary of California State Parks
OHP description:
In 1858 Angelo Zanetta added a second story to a one-story adobe barracks built in 1813-14 for soldiers who represented the Spanish government and operated it as a hotel for many years. Because San Juan Bautista was one of the main stage stops between San Francisco and Los Angeles, the Plaza Hotel became famous throughout California.Registered 3/6/1935