#0805 Pony Express Remount Station at Woodfords
#0805 Pony Express Remount Station at Woodfords
Site information:
On Old Pony Express Way, 0.1 mi N of junction of State Hwys 89 and 88, Woodfords38.776373,-119.822759
Plaque information:
Private plaquePlaque text:
The Pony ExpressWoodfords
During the initial five weeks of its operation in 1860, an important remount station of the famous Pony Express was located a few feet from here at Cary's Barn.
This monument erected by the Historical Society of Alpine County.
National Pony Express Centennial Association; Dwight D. Eisenhower - Chairman, Waddell R. Smith - President, Sherrill Halbert - Director at Large.
OHP description:
Woodfords became a remount station of the Pony Express on April 4, 1860, when Warren Upson scaled the mountains in a blinding snowstorm and made his way down the eastern slope of the Sierra on his way to Carson City. Five weeks later the Pony Express was rerouted by way of Echo Summit and Luther Pass.Registered 6/28/1965