#0448 Patchen


#0448 Patchen

Site information:

Intersection of Old Santa Cruz Hwy (P.M. 3.57) and Mountain Charlie Rd, 1.2 mi SE of Holy City

Nothing remains of this site, as far as I know.


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:


“Mountain Charley” McKiernan, one of the earliest residents of the Santa Crux Mountains, settled near here in 1850. John Martin Schultheis and his wife homesteaded land about a mile from here in 1852. Their home still standing (1950). The Patchen Post Office, named for a famous race horse, was located in this vicinity, 1872-1920’s.

Tablet placed by California Centennial Commission.  Base furnished by Los Gatos Lions Club.  May 20, 1950.  Restored by Los Gatos Chapter DAR 1968

Registered 11/2/1949

