#0287 Angels Camp


#0287 Angels Camp

Site information:

NE corner of Main St and Birds Way, Angels Camp


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

Angels Camp
Home of the Jumping Frog
Romance - Gold - History

Founded in 1849 by George Angel, who established a mining camp and trading store 200 feet below this marker. A rich gravel mining area and one of the richest quartz mining sections of the Mother Lode. Production records of over 100 million dollars for Angels Camp and vicinity. Towmsite established in 1873.Prominent in early-day California history. The locale of Mark Twain's famous story, The Jumping Frog of Calaveras. Frequented by Joaquin Murieta, Black Bart, and other early-day bandits.

Erected and dedicated by Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce, May 16, 1931.

Registered 2/4/1938

