#0288 Altaville


#0288 Altaville

Site information:

Intersection of State Hwys 49 and 4, Altaville


Plaque information:

There is a private plaque for the Altaville Foundry, with remains near the Burger King at Demerest and Main.  No plaque specifically for the whole town.

Plaque text:

Altaville Foundry & Machine Works founded by J.M. Wooster, Est. 1854

Is the site of the longest running continuously operated foundry west of the Mississippi River. All quartz machinery needed for the numerous mines surrounding the Altaville, Angels Camp area was cast here. It was previously known as Altaville Foundry and Machine Works, Calavaras Iron & Steel Co., and lastly California Electric Steel Co. Previous owners: D.D. Demarest & T.H. Fullen, 1860, Lawrence Monte Verde & Demarest Family 1892, Lawrence Monte Verde Family 1928.

Dedicated May 27, 1995. Princess Parlor No. 84 N.D.G.W. Angels Towne Center

OHP description:

The history of Altaville is closely identified with that of Angels Camp. Altaville has been the foundry town of Calaveras County since D. D. Demerest established a foundry there in 1854. Most of the stamp mills and a large part of the mining machinery erected in Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties were built at the Altaville Foundry. A brick schoolhouse was built at Altaville in 1858 and the townsite was established in 1873.

Registered 2/4/1938

