#0769 Birthplace of Archie Stevenot


#0769 Birthplace of Archie Stevenot

Site information:

State Hwy 4 (P.M. 3.3), 3.7 mi S of Angels Camp

The third photo is of another plaque honoring Archie Stevenot near the plaque for #276.


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

To honor Archie Stevenot
"Mr. Mother Lode"

He was born Sept. 25, 1882 on the old Stevenot Homestead one-half mile west of this marker. Son of Emile K. and Sarah E. Stevenot and the grandson of Gabriel K. Stevenot, Calaveras County pioneer who pitched tent there in April, 1850. Student, salesman, miner, rancher, post master, school board member and general superintendent of the nearby Carson Hill Mine, he has spent a productive lifetime in this region. He established the Mother Lode Highway Association in 1919, serving as president or director until 1950 when it joined into the Golden Chain Council. One of the organizers of the California State Chamber of Commerce. One of organizers of Mother Lode baseball league. A native son and one of the state's favorites, there is hardly an activity for the benefit of California and the Mother Lode with which he has not been identified.

To our Supreme Noble Grand Humbug of the Grand Council of E. Clampus Vitus, Inc. this marker is affectionately dedicated this 14th day of October, 1961. Matuca Chapter, E. Clampus Vitus No. 1849.

OHP description:

The Stevenot family established the borax industry in California - Archie Stevenot was proclaimed 'Mr. Mother Lode' by resolution of the 1961 session of the State Legislature. Not only he but his father and grandfather lent fame to the Carson Hill region of California.

Registered 12/1/1961

