#0951 Light Stations of California, East Brother Light Station


#0951 Light Stations of California, East Brother Light Station

Site information:

Off Point San Pablo, in Straits of San Pablo

There is no way to get closer to the island without taking a boat. Tours to the island are available.


Plaque information:

Private plaque located on island

Plaque text:

East Brother Light Station

Constructed in 1873-74, East Brother Light Station is the older of only two remaining light stations of San Francisco Bay that have remained substantially unchanged.  The original 5th order classical (Fresnel) lens was replaced with the present beacon when the station was automated in 1969 after 95 years of operation by keepers of the U.S. Lighthouse Service and later the U.S. Coast Guard.  In 1971 East Brother Light Station was entered on the National Register of Historic Places.

In 1980, after ten years of benign neglect, rehabilitation was begun with the assistance of the U.S. Coast Guard.  A matching grant from the Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Services under the provision of the National Historic Presentation Act of 1966, the California State Office of Historic Preservation, and the efforts of hundreds of individuals who generously contributed their labor and resources to preserve this landmark for the enjoyment of the public.

Dedicated to the brave and faithful men and women of the U.S. Lighthouse Service and the U.S. Coast Guard. 

Dedicated by the Native Sons of the Golden West.  James M. Smith - Grand President October 26, 1980.  In memory of U.S. Senator James D. Phelan

OHP description:

East Brother is the oldest wood-frame lighthouse on the West Coast stilll fully operational and still in its historic configuration with functioning equipment. It was one of a group of twelve lighthouses similar but unique in design, built in California during the early 1870's. At the time it was built, it provided both a light and roof signal to guide boats ferrying mail, passengers, and freight between San Francisco and various island ports.

