#0347 Knight's Ferry


#0347 Knight's Ferry

Site information:

On Sonora Rd, 1.4 mi W of State Hwy 120, Knights Ferry

37.820361, -120.664816

Plaque information:

Two state plaques. 

One plaque on Hwy 120 N of town
37.817686, -120.653001

One plaque on Hwy 120 S of town
37.808661, -120.665788

Plaque text:

Knight's Ferry

Picturesque mining center and trading post, 1849, once called Dentville. Early ferry to the southern mines; county seat 1862-72; rare wooden covered bridge reputedly designed by U. S. Grant, brother-in-law of the Dent brothers, 1854; old flour mill, 1854.

Department of Public Works - Division of Highways

Registered 8/8/1939

