#0548 Canal Farm Inn


#0548 Canal Farm Inn

Site information:

1460 E Pacheco Blvd, Los Banos


Plaque information:

State and private plaques

State plaque text:

Canal Farm Inn

This original San Joaquin Valley ranch headquarters of California pioneer and cattle baron Henry Miller (1827-1916) was established in 1873. His farsighted planning and development in the 1870s of a vast gravity irrigation system, and the founding of Los Banos in 1889, provided the basis for the present stability and wealth of this area.

Plaque placed by the California State Park Commission in cooperation with Los Banos Parlor No. 206, Native Sons of the Golden West, August 19, 1956.

Private plaque text:

EspaƱas welcomes you to the famouns Canal Farm Inn.

This original San Joaquin Valley ranch headquarters of California pioneer and cattle baron, Henry Miller (1826-1916), was established in 1873.  His farsighted planning, development in the 1870's of a vast gravity irrigation system and the founding of Los Banos (1889) provided the basis for the present stability and wealth of this area.

Registered 1/27/1956

