#0829 Pacheco Pass
#0829 Pacheco Pass
Site information:
Romero Overlook, San Luis Reservoir, 31770 W Hwy 152 (P.M. 8.0), 15 mi W of Los Banos37.080389,-121.098160
Plaque information:
State plaquePlaque text:
Pacheco PassOn June 21, 1805, on his first exploratory journey into the San Joaquin Valley, Lieutenant Gabriel Moraga traversed and recorded this pass. Since then it has been trail, toll road, stagecoach road, and freeway-the principal route between the coastal areas to the west and the great valley and mountains to the east.
Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Merced County Historical Advisory Committee and the Native Daughters of the Golden West, June 18, 1969.
Registered 5/29/1969