#0892 Harvey House


#0892 Harvey House

Site information:

685 N 1st Ave, Barstow


Plaque information:

State plaque

Plaque text:

Barstow Harvey House

Harvey Houses were legendary in the history of Western rail travel. Operated by Fred harvey in conjunction with the Santa Fe Railway, the network of restaurant-hotels set a new standard in quality meal service. Barstow's Spanish-Moorish "Casa Del Desierto" opened in 1911 and closed in 1971. It was registered as one of the last and finest remaining examples of the west's famous Harvey Houses.

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with Billy Holcomb Chapter of E Clampus Vitus, Mojave River Valley Museum, San Bernardino County Museum, and Fred Harvey Inc., May 1, 1983.

OHP description:

In 1893 Fred Harvey, founder and operator of the Santa Fe Harvey Houses, took over the operation of all hotel and restaurants on the Santa Fe line, including the one at Barstow (then Waterman Junction) constructed in 1885. In 1908 this Harvey House burned, and in 1910-13 the present Spanish-Moorish structure designed by architect Mary E. J. Coulter was constructed. It is the best surviving example of California's depot-hotels of the turn of the century.

Registered 2/20/1976
