#0304 Vallecito Stage Depot (Station)


#0304 Vallecito Stage Depot (Station)

Site information:

Vallecito Stage Station County Park, on County Rd S2 (P.M. 34.7), 17.8 mi S of Hwy 78

32.975722, -116.350052

Plaque information:

Two state plaques exist for this site.  One at the station site, and one at the intersection of S2 and the 78 (33.096806, -116.475404)

There is also a private plaque located on the door of the stage station.

Site plaque text:

Vallecito Stage Station

A reconstruction (1934) of Vallecito Stage Station at the edge of the Great Colorado Desert. Original was built in 1852. Important stop on first official transcontinental route, serving the San Diego-San Antonio ('Jackass') mail line (1857-1859), the Butterfield Overland Stage Line and the southern route emigrant caravans.

Marker placed by San Diego County Board of Supervisors and teh Historical Markers Committee.  Erected 1956

Remote plaque text:

Vallecito-Butterfield Stage Station

One of the chief remaining landmarks of famous old stage line. Coaches and spring wagons carried passengers and mail. Stations were built at 20-mile intervals. The first stage on the line left St. Louis on September 15, 1858.

Department of Public Works - Division of Highways

Private plaque text:

Vallecito Stage Station

Dedicated to the memory of James E. Birch "The man who put an empire on wheels" founder and proprietor of the first official trans-continental overland mail stage line in the United States, the San Antonio - San Diego Overland Mail of 1857-1861 and those brave drivers who handeled the reins.

Registered 7/12/1939

