#0964 Birthplace of the United Nations, War Memorial Complex


#0964 Birthplace of the United Nations, War Memorial Complex

Site information:

Civic Center, 400 Block of Van Ness


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

In recognition of the contribution of the facilities of the war memorial veteran's building in San Francisco for the use of the United Nations conference on international organization during the period April 25 to June 26, 1945.  This plaque is presented to the city of San Francisco by the Department of State on behalf of the government of the United States.  In this building the charter of the United Nations was formulated and signed by the delegates of the fifty participating Nations.

OHP description:

President Franklin D. Roosevelt designated the War Memorial Complex in San Francisco to be the place that the United Nations Conderence for Internation Organization would convene on April 25, 1945. Fifty nations participated in the drafting of the United Nations Charter which was unanimously adopted June 25 and signed by representatives of the 50 nations in the War Memorial Veternas Building on June 26. The site of the signing of the Charter is one of the most significant historical landmarks sites in the world for 20th century events.

Registered 5/13/1985
