#0376 California Standard Oil Well No. 1


#0376 California Standard Oil Well No. 1

Site information:

McKittrick Field, 400 ft N of Well #CS-54, 0.4 mi N of State Hwy 58 (P.M.. 15.1), 1 mi S of McKittrick

The photos I took are approximate. I took them from a spot .4 miles N of highway 58, in the middle of the oil field. I couldn't find Well CS-54, but I have heard that it still exists. The field is private land, so even though there is no fence or gate, driving through it probably isn't encouraged. The GPS coordinates are for CS-54 - the landmark is ~400 feet north of that well.

35.297312, -119.633913

Plaque information:

No plaque

OHP description:

This well was one of the early wells that in 1899 started a new oil field called the McKittrick Field. The well pumped about 150 barrels of oil per day for the first six months - its last production was in April 1929.

Registered 11/7/1941

