#0741 Bealville
#0741 Bealville
Site information:
Bealville Rd, 0.9 mi N of State Hwy 58, 1.3 mi S of CalienteNothing remains of this site, as far as I know.
Plaque information:
Private plaquePlaque text:
BealvilleNamed for Edward F. Beale this station on the Southern Pacific rail line was established in 1876 as a depot and telegraph office. Service was discontinued in 1943. Beale was Superintendent of California Indian Affairs during the 1850's. In 1865 he became owner of the adjacent Ranch El Tejon.
Dediated July 15, 1962. Marker placed by Kern County Historical Society, Kern County Museum, El Tejon Parlor No. 239 N.D.G.W.
OHP description:
Edward Fitzgerald Beale, serving under Commodore Stockton in 1846, established his home here on Rancho le Libre in 1855. He also engaged in mining and became Superintendent of Indian Affairs for California and Nevada, and Minister to Vienna.Registered 7/5/1960