#0424 Sawmill Flat


#0424 Sawmill Flat

Site information:

22041 Sawmill Flat Rd, 2 mi SE of Columbia

Nothing remains of this site, as far as I know.


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

Sawmill Flat

Name derived from two sawmills erected here to supply mining timbers early 1850’s. Population at one time 1000. Rich in pocket gold in heyday. Mining camp of Mexican woman, Doña Elisa Martinez, at north end of flat, reported to have been hideout of famous bandit, Joaquin Murieta. Site of story, “The Battle of Sawmill Flat.”

Tablet placed by California Centennial Commission.  Base provided by Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Tuolumne County.   Dedicated October 2, 1949

Registered 3/4/1949

