#0796 Farley's Olancha Mill Site


#0796 Farley's Olancha Mill Site

Site information:

Mill was on Olancha Creek, about 1 mile W of the 395.  Nothing remains at the site, as far as I know.

Plaque information:

State plaque located at State Hwy 395 (P.M. 34.1), at Fall Rd, 0.6 mi S of Olancha


Plaque text:

Farley's Olancha Mill

M.H. Farley, working for the Silver Mountain Mining Company in the Coso Mountains, conceived the idea in 1860 of building a processing mill on a creek that flowed into Owens Lake. He explored and named Olancha Pass that year, and completed the first mill and furnace in the Owens River Valley by December of 1862. It was located on Olancha Creek about one mile west of this marker.

Plaque placed by the California State Park Commission in cooperation with the Southern Inyo Chamber of Commerce, January 30, 1965.

Registered 9/16/1964

