#0813 Montgomery Hill


#0813 Montgomery Hill

Site information:

Montgomery Hill Park, along Yerba Buena Rd, San Jose


Plaque information:

State plaque located at the corner of Yerba Buena and San Felipe Roads.


Plaque text:

Montgomery Hill

Three-quarters of a mile northeast is Montgomery Hill, site of the 55 successful flights of the “aeroplane” of John Joseph Montgomery which demonstrated aerodynamic developments still indispensable to modern aircraft. Here the basic principles of aerodynamics discovered by Montgomery were combined by his engineering skill and technology to produce a heavier-than-air flying machine which had complete control: the cambered wing, rear stabilizer, flexible wingtips, and the wing-warping aileron.

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the County of Santa Clara and the University of Santa Clara, October 31, 1967.

Registered 9/12/1966

