#0345 Granville P. Swift Adobe


#0345 Granville P. Swift Adobe

Site information:

Old Hwy 99 W at Hambright Creek, 1.0 mi N of Orland

Nothing remains of this site, as far as I know.

39.760343, -122.196755

Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

The Swift Adobe

The first house in Glenn County, built about 1848 by Granville P. Swift, a member of the Bear Flag Party, who came to California from Oregon in 1844. The site is 150 yards east on the banks of Hambright Creek. The house was built of clay by Indians. He soon had herds of cattle ranging up and down the valley tended by Indian vaqueros and he made a fortune mining on the Feather River with his Indian laborers.

Orland Bicentennial Committee

OHP description:

Guidebook: Granville P. Swift crossed the plains to Oregon in 1843 and entered California with the Kelsey party in 1844. In 1849, in partnership with Frank Sears, he purchased the cattle and brand of the Larkin grant from J. S. Williams. Swift soon had droves of cattle herded by Indian vaqueros, and rodeos were held annually at this adobe site.

Registered 8/8/1939

