#0359 Old Bale Mill


#0359 Old Bale Mill

Site information:

Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park, 3369 St. Helena Hwy, 3 mi NW of St. Helena

Park access is limited to operating hours.


Plaque information:

Private plaque

Plaque text:

This historic grist mill known as the “Bale Mill” was erected by Dr. E.T. Bale, Grantee Carne Humana Rancho, in 1846. The mill with its surrounding land was deeded to the Native Sons of the Golden West by Mrs. W.W. Lyman. Restored through the efforts of the Native Son Parlors of Napa County. Under the leadership of past Grand President Bismark Bruck, a grandson of Dr. Bale, and by the Historic Landmarks Committee of the Native Sons of the Golden West. The restored mill was dedicated June 21, 1925.

Tablet placed by Historic Landmarks Committee, Native Sons of the Golden West

Plaque addendum text:


Rededicated October 1, 1988 by Napa Valley Parlors and the Grand Parlor Native Sons of the Golden West. Frank Compani, Grand President

OHP description:

This historic gristmill was erected by Dr. E. T. Bale, grantee of Carne Humana Rancho, in 1846. The mill, with surrounding land, was deeded to the Native Sons of the Golden West by Mrs. W. W. Lyman, and was restored through the efforts of the Native Son Parlors of Napa County.

Registered 10/9/1939

