#0906 Steele Brothers Dairy Ranches


#0906 Steele Brothers Dairy Ranches

Site information:

Año Nuevo State Reserve, site is now the Marine Education Center on New Years Creek Rd.


Plaque information:

State plaque

The last I heard about the plaque, it was visible inside one of the buildings, not mounted.

Plaque text:

Steele Brothers Dairy Ranches

Beginning in the 1850s, the Steele brothers pioneered one of the first large-scale commercial cheese and dairy businesses in California. They extended their operations from Point Reyes to Rancho Punta de Año Nuevo in 1862. This 7,000-acre ranch consisted of five dairies extending from Gazos Creek to Point Año Nuevo. For a century the Steele brothers' dairy ranches were of major importance in California's agricultural development.

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Ano Nuevo Interpretive Association October 16, 1982.

Registered 2/8/1977

