#0686 Site of Kelsey House
#0686 Site of Kelsey House
Site information:
500 ft NW of intersection of State Hwy 29 and Diamond Mtn Rd, 1.1 mi S of CalistogaThe guidebook description mentions that only the hearthstone of the house can be seen, so the deteriorating structure in the photo is likely not be the Kelsey House. But it's in the general area. The land is privately owned, so closer inspection is not possible.
Plaque information:
No plaqueOHP description:
Nancy Kelsey arrived in California in 1841 with the Bidwell-Bartleson party and settled with her family south of present-day Calistoga. Now the hearthstone is all that can be seen of the house. The property is owned by the Rockstrohs.Registered 7/31/1959